League of LegendsPatch Notes

League of Legends 14.13 Patch Notes Breakdown

League of Legends 14.13 Patch Notes Breakdown

Welcome to our patch notes breakdown for League of Legends Season 14!

Let’s break down all the new changes in LoL coming this week.

We recommend following along with the official 14.13 patch notes since we won’t be listing all the specific stat changes, but rather, focusing on the impact of the changes and the champions updated place in the current meta.

If you’re wondering how these changes will affect the meta, check out our LoL champion tier list!

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Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes

Brand (nerf)

  • Passive Mana on Kill is reduced.
  • E damage reduced as well. These changes are not going to help him in the Jungle, Mid or Support roles.

Gangplank (buff)

  • Powder Keg (E) slow is increased; Crit scaling removed.

Gragas (nerf)

  • Passive heal is reduced.

Graves (buff)

  • E Armor per stack increased.

Kalista (nerf)

  • Her base AD reduced, Ultimate cooldown increased.
  • W damage is changed.

Karthus (nerf)

  • Q damage is reduced. So this will make him weaker in all roles.

Kennen (nerf)

  • Base Health reduced.

Lee Sin (buff)

  • Base states improved.
  • W shield is increased.

Lissandra (buff)

  • Q AP Ratio increased.
  • W cooldown reduced.
  • These buffs will help her in all roles she is played in.

Miss Fortune (buff)

  • Base AD increased.
  • W Movement Speed improvements and lockout reduced.
  • These changes are going to help her in both the ADC and Support roles.

Orianna (buff)

  • Base AD increased.

Pantheon (buff)

  • His W minimum damage is increased.

Skarner (nerf)

  • Q mana cost is increased, and max health damage is reduced. He will be weaker in the Top and Jungle roles.

Taliyah (nerf)

  • Q bonus monster damage is reduced.
  • This will negatively impact her Jungling potential.

Varus (changed)

  • Varus’ base stats have changed.
  • His Passive has been reworked.
  • His W damage and basic ability refund is increased.
  • W cast lockout on his Q is increased.
  • So these changes are IMO nerfs as they take away from his best build(s). However, the W lockout Q change is a nice.

Xayah (buff)

  • Her E cooldown is reduced, and the damage is increased.

Zac (nerf)

  • Passive healing is adjusted. This is going to negatively impact him in both the Top and Jungle roles.



  • Lethality is changed.
  • Movement Speed is changed as well.


Dark Harvest

  • Cooldown and damage are both changed.


  • Cooldown is changed.
  • Damage is also changed.

Thank you for reading. We hope you enjoyed this patch breakdown. How do you feel about this patch? Let us know in the comments. As always, if you have any questions, find us in our Discord!