League of Legends Tier List for High ELO. Meta Picks for Every Role in Patch 14.13
Current patch | 14.13 |
Last updated | 10 days ago |
Top Tier List
Jax has been an S tier high elo pick in the top lane all season so far and this isn’t going to change any time soon.
Jax is a splitpushing dueling machine but also a fantastic engaging teamfighter too, with his ability to dive onto backlines, lock them up, and burst them down without too much trouble.
There’s not many champions in the game that can run away with games as quickly as Jax, so if you know what you’re doing, just keep playing him!


Jungle Tier List
Karthus rose up to the top tiers in the jungle when Split 2 first went live and he’s proving he’s not planning to go away any time soon with his exceptional clears, impressive damage and insane scaling.
If you’re good enough to optimize your farm and still have some impact in the game, you will carry so easily when playing this champion as you will just spike super quickly and deal an absolutely crazy amount of damage.


Mid Tier List
Tristana is a serious problem in the mid lane in high elo and is one of the most contested picks in the game with her ability to dominate lanes with her early game damage and melt through turret plates super quickly.
Tristana has the ability to amass a huge advantage through early kills or just structural damage, and once she gets that lead she starts one shotting anybody who tries to stop her!
There’s a reason her ban and pick rate is so high and we just don’t think this will stop any time soon.


Bot Tier List
Kai’Sa is currently the most popular AD Carry at higher ranks right now and it’s not hard to understand why. She’s a fantastic blind pick, she works into all kinds of comps and drafts and always has a way to get a lead and use that lead to 1v9.
Kai’Sa excels with both enchanters and engaging supports too, with famous combos like Kai’Sa and Rell or Nautilus being exceptionally hard to beat, with the Statikk Shiv build path changes this patch she’s only going to get stronger, so give her a go!

Support Tier List
Rell is one of those champions you always forget about, but every time you see her you are reminded of just how strong she actually is.
Rell has incredibly early engage and CC and can easily start dominating and diving bot lanes once she’s in the lead. She then translates into an initiating teamfighting monster throughout the course of the game and starts farming LP pretty damn easily!



Our tier lists are curated by the following experts:
We recommend using the Low ELO list for as long as you can before switching the High ELO list. It usually works until around high Diamond. If a champion isn't on our tier list, it doesn't necessarily mean that you can't climb with them.
For our methodology, check out our blog article.